The Burning of the Bull

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.  2 Thessalonians 2:8-10

By Greg Bentley

Historically, this is the time of the year  when the Evangelical Church reflected upon the work of God displayed through the mighty men of the reformation. It was on October 31st, 1517 that Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis on the door of the Wittenberg Church but little do we remember his real act of bravery took place on the 10th of December, 1520. It was then that Martin Luther burned the Popes letter of excommunication, it was known as the  “Burning of the Bull”. Luther responded with the “Bull of the Antichrist”.  

In this single act of courage, Martin Luther stood up to the papacy and declared it to be the very Antichrist of Scripture. This biblically accurate and bold proclamation ignited the righteous fires that illuminated the path out of the Roman Catholic Church and freed the world from Papal tyranny. The blaze set souls free from a religious system that was forged in the furnace of hell. Luther knew that Rome was not only the apostate Babylonian Church found in the scripture but he knew first hand of the abominations and moral corruption that is at the core of the Catholic Church. 605 years of torture and murder at the hands of the papacy could not be covered up. Luther also knew the punishment for being labeled as a heretic was to be burned at the stake. Romanism had completely infiltrated, science, education, medicine, civil government and politics.

It was a time similar to our day when the iron grip of the Papacy controlled the civil governments of the world. It was a time when tyranny was in play and the souls of men were paralyzed in fear. Generations of spiritual darkness caused by the doctrinal spells of her priestcraft.

If there is any doubt today that the Antichrist is not back in the saddle, one only needs to read the headlines. For those who insist that the antichrist is still yet to come you might challenge them on why the head of the worlds largest religion, that pretends to be “Christian”, is involved in these nefarious activities that are destroying nations and climates around the world.

The Catholic Church occupies the center of the U.S. debate on immigration

Catholics play vital role in helping migrants to U.S

GOP lawmakers once praised Catholic Charities. Now they want to defund the group.

Pope says migrants’ rights should override national security concerns 

Destruction of the earths ecosystems by man made weather manipulations known as  Geoengineering.

Geoengineering Politics…Enter the Vatican

Vatican Seminar on the Governance of Geoengineering

Exposing Faces Of The Carnegie Science Criminal Climate Engineering Cover-Up

Faith leaders to meet at Vatican in October to discuss climate change

The Vatican weapons of destruction and death have modernized  but their goal is still the same. There is no need to be taken by surprise as the Vatican’s plan for world control is conveniently hidden in plane sight.

Vatican hosts conference on technological progress and human identity 

Vatican Hosts Conference Touching on Transhumanism

We trust that today you will remember the brave men of the reformation who not only revived the true Gospel during the  dark ages but also stood down global tyranny.