Premillennialism Leads To Church Impotence
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1
By W.J. Mencarow
The currently most popular interpretation of the end times in the book of Revelation is premillennialism, especially dispensational, pre-tribulation premillennialism. I believe that this interpretation is largely responsible for the condition of the Church today. It is largely weak, impotent, effeminate, cowering before the world, expecting Satan to grow stronger and stronger before the Lord returns, believing its calling is to become disengaged from the world and wait until Jesus comes back to throw it a life ring just before it goes under for the third time.
Its impotency was on display for all the world to see during in the Jesuit orchestrated “pandemic” of 2020-23. Some know it as the “pLandemic,” when almost every church bowed before the civil government and canceled worship services – because they were told to do so by the civil government.
Some might ask, “what were they supposed to do?” The answer is found in Acts 5:27-29, when the spiritual leaders of the Jews interrogated Peter and the other apostles for the “crime” of preaching the Gospel: “And when they had brought them, they set them before the council: and the high priest asked them, Saying, Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name? and, behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man’s blood upon us. Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.”
What were the pastors supposed to do when the civil government told them to “not teach in this name” by ordering them to close their churches? They were “to obey God rather than men.” Of course, they should have taken every precaution to protect their congregations – the same precautions taken by, for example, marijuana dispensaries and abortion mills, which remained open for business in some states. What does that tell you about the evil agenda of some civil governments? Churches were ordered to close because in many states the civil government decreed that they are not “essential.” Marijuana dispensaries and abortion mills remained open because they were decreed to be “essential.”
The agenda of Christ’s enemies could not be plainer.
J. Marcellus Kik in The Eschatology of Victory wrote, “Unfortunately, the Church of today does not realize the power that Christ has given her. Christ has placed in her hands the chain by which she can bind Satan. She can restrain his influence over the nations. But today the Church bemoans the fact that evil is becoming stronger and stronger. She bemoans the fact that the world is coming more and more under the control of the Devil. Whose fault is that? It is the Church. She has the chain and does not have the faith to bind Satan even more firmly. Satan is bound and the Church knows it not! Satan can be bound more firmly and the Church does it not!”
Whose fault is it that the world seems to be getting worse and worse? It is the Church’s fault. It is our fault as members of the Body of Christ not holding our Church elders to their sworn obedience to the Bible. When they were told by the civil government to stop preaching Christ and most meekly obeyed and did not thunder “NO!
When it is was plainly obvious to anyone with the slightest amount of discernment that covid-19 was not about a virus, it was about control and when it was publish that the covid-19 shots were manufactured using aborted fetal cells they remained silent! We ought to obey God rather than men! Paul tells the church in Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
The Lord has given us the Gospel, the chain that binds Satan and frees the nations, but much of the Church never takes it outside the walls of the Church building and our homes. We preach to ourselves. When you face that fact, you will understand what the Apostle Peter meant in I Pet. 4:17 – perhaps the most chilling verse in the Bible: “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God.”
Repent and ask the Lord to show you what to do. Christian, the chain is in your hands. What will you do with it?
W. J. Mencarow, a former Catholic, is a board member of the Berean Beacon and is ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America. He pastored churches in Texas and his sermons can be found at Sermon Audio and His books are available on Amazon.